Background watercolor flowers

Suzanne Supplee

author and educator

Suzanne Supplee author educator

about me

I was born in Colum­bia, Ten­nessee, a town I return to again and again in my sto­ries and books. Odd as it sounds, I feel con­nect­ed to this place most­ly through nar­ra­tive now. Per­haps that’s because I moved away more than thir­ty years ago. What­ev­er the rea­son, long­ing or nos­tal­gia, Ten­nessee is the set­ting I’m most like­ly to choose when writ­ing. My cur­rent home is beau­ti­ful Mary­land, and I cher­ish every­thing about this spe­cial place. With moun­tains and beach­es and the Chesa­peake Bay, what’s not to love?

Log Canoe Races
Log Canoe Races in Oxford, Mary­land (pho­to: Suzanne Supplee)

My three daugh­ters are all grown up, but I’m still rais­ing two Havanese pup­pies, Birdie and Gus. In the love depart­ment, I got very, very lucky. I mar­ried a Bal­ti­more boy named Scott, and cliché as it may sound, he’s still the love of my life!

In addi­tion to my writ­ing work, I teach Eng­lish at an inde­pen­dent school.

Birdie and Gus with Suzanne Supplee
Though Iris will nev­er be replaced, we mend­ed our bro­ken hearts with these two char­ac­ters, Birdie and Gus.
Pho­to cred­it: Els­beth Supplee
young Suzanne on phone
That’s me. Octo­ber 1965. I loved talk­ing on the phone. Still do. Phone con­ver­sa­tions, like let­ter writ­ing, are a lost art.
For fif­teen years Iris was our loy­al com­pan­ion, trust­wor­thy con­fi­dante, com­fort dog, and so much more. Though she was small, she was mighty. Sad­ly, we lost Iris not long ago.