Background watercolor flowers

Suzanne Supplee

author and educator

Suzanne Supplee author educator

for the press

Suzanne Supplee

(pho­to cred­it: Els­beth Supplee)

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72 dpi, 340 x 340 px RGB, 165 kb

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300 dpi, 4 x 4 in RGB, 1.32 Mb

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300 dpi, 6 x 6 in RGB, 2.08 Mb

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300 dpi, 10 x 10 in RGB, 4.07 M

Suzanne Sup­plee is the author of the new mid­dle grade nov­el, Sweet­ness All Around, and three young adult nov­els: When Irish Guys Are Smil­ing (Speak / Pen­guin), Artichoke’s Heart (Dut­ton / Pen­guin), and Some­body Every­body Lis­tens To (Dut­ton / Pen­guin). Suzanne earned a bachelor’s degree from South­ern Illi­nois Uni­ver­si­ty and a master’s in cre­ative writ­ing from Tow­son Uni­ver­si­ty. Her books have been hon­ored on var­i­ous state lists, includ­ing a Gold­en Sow­er Hon­or and the Louisiana Teen Choice Award. Some­body received a starred review from Pub­lish­ers Week­ly, and was named a YALSA Best Fic­tion for Young Adults. Oth­er works have been pub­lished by lit­er­ary mag­a­zines and online.

Suzanne taught cre­ative writ­ing for a num­ber of years at a mag­net high school in Mary­land, work for which she was rec­og­nized as an Alliance for Young Artists and Writ­ers Gold Medal Port­fo­lio Edu­ca­tor, a Sil­ver Medal with Dis­tinc­tion Edu­ca­tor, and a Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go Out­stand­ing Educator.

When Suzanne isn’t grad­ing papers or obsess­ing over her cur­rent work-in-progress, she is play­ing with her dogs, Birdie and Gus.