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Suzanne Supplee

author and educator

Suzanne Supplee author educator


When Irish Guys Are Smiling

Speak / Pen­guin, 2008

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nar­rat­ed by Jen­nifer Van Dyck

When Irish Guys Are Smiling

a book in the S.A.S.S. series

For sev­en­teen-year-old Delk Sin­clair, study­ing abroad in Ire­land means one thing: escape. Delk is tired of hear­ing about her friends’ debu­tante par­ties, watch­ing her preg­nant step­moth­er redec­o­rate her mother’s house, and hav­ing to smile sweet­ly even though she doesn’t think she’ll ever get over los­ing her moth­er. Ire­land is Delk’s chance to be hap­py. With the stun­ning green land­scape as back­drop, Delk rev­els in all things Irish, from liv­ing in a real Irish cas­tle, to cel­e­brat­ing St. Paddy’s Day in Gal­way, to enjoy­ing Irish music and dance, to study­ing Yeats and shear­ing a sheep! So when Delk begins to fall for a very hand­some Irish­man, she won­ders if there’s more to the Emer­ald Isle than it first seemed. It is fun, to be sure, but will those smil­ing Irish eyes real­ly be able to heal her bro­ken heart forever?



When Irish Guys Are Smil­ing is a sweet addi­tion to the series. Ms. Sup­plee paints a beau­ti­ful por­trait of the lush land­scape that is Ire­land. The set­ting is real­is­tic with the damp cold that the coun­try can be known for. And the read­er can get a taste of the drafty cas­tle when the fire goes out. But even with the drea­ry weath­er, the read­er falls in love with the Emer­ald Isle and becomes envi­ous of what Delk gets to expe­ri­ence.” (Teens Read Too)